Project Preview

International Inventories Programme


with: The Nest, SHIFT Collective, National Museums of Kenya, Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum and the Welkulturen Museum
An artistic, research and curatorial project that investigates a corpus of Kenyan cultural objects held in institutions in the Global North

International Inventories Programme (IIP) is an artistic, research and curatorial project that investigates a corpus of Kenyan cultural objects held in institutions in the North. It aspires to open up the discourse on restitution by distributing African perspectives that are barely represented in international discussions. Initiated by artists and developed over three years (2018–2021), IIP brings together a constellation of cultural entities. The project radiates both outwards from and inwards towards Nairobi, Kenya. We are building a publicly accessible database of these objects, thus arguing for more transparency within museums’ archives. As of April 1, 2022, the database contains information on 32,501 objects stored in museums outside of Kenya. Concurrently, we have initiated the “Object Movement Dialogues”, a series of events that encourage public discourse about critical object-histories, their often violent movement across borders and their far-reaching consequences. “Invisible Inventories” is the exhibition project of the IIP which critically assembled the scientific and artistic research produced over the past two years by a heterogeneous group of museum professionals, scholars and artists, each carrying their own background, expertise, mode of action and specific vocabulary. “Invisible Inventories” seeked to preserve, rather than to flatten, these different positions. Our hope was that this diversity of points of view, aesthetic practices and formal expressions will help us address the complexity of the issues surrounding the objects’ histories and restitution in the aftermath of colonialism. -- Supported by: Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Goethe Institut Exzellenz Initiativfull project
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