Project Preview

Sustainability. A concept I genuinely believe in, but a word I do not trust


A streamed performance of representatives of real organisations, and actors representing fictional organisations, discussing sustainability

Perhaps my cynical nature has been accentuated by the context within which I live. A context in which the language and discourse of 'Development' and 'Aid' is powerful. A context in which people speak in capitalised issues. Water and Sanitation, Gender Mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS. Of course these issues are of critical importance, but they seem to have gained a holy status that cannot be questioned.

In this context, issues of sustainability and our relationship with the environment have a reference to a certain relationship between North and South, Underdeveloped and Overdeveloped, Rich and Poor. Whilst these are undoubtedly global issues, it is arguable that they emanate from a specific space which is affluent, educated and not in Kenya.

For this work, which was live streamed from Nairobi to Berlin, I set up a studio in which representatives from Kenyan organizations spoke about the way they understood and related to sustainability. However, I introduced a fictional dimension by mixing these real representatives with professional actors representing fictional organizations.

Thanks to: Al Hazira, Chocolate City Tours, Formada, Green Thumbs, Jobless Corner Campus, Loos for Life, Simama Pamoja Initiative, Spark Africa, Sustain, Sophia Bauer. Supported by: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Goethe Institut Nairobifull project

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