Simba Mbili


with: Marian Nur Goni
A podcast/research project about the powerful imaginaries of the lions of Tsavo, the man-eaters who stalled the Kenya-Uganda railway in 1898



with: SHOPLIFT Design and Dawid Liftinger
A participatory art project that embeds the memory of 105 felled trees in a new school's architecture



An artist book which untangles political narratives of ethnic identity from the way in which identities are experienced in day to day life

Made in Chinafrica


with: David Lalé
An experimental documentary which tells the stories of African migrant traders living and working in Guangzhou

A Topography of Loss


with: Simon Rittmeier
An inquiry into the agency of the Kenyan objects encountered in the storage depot of the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum in Cologne

International Inventories Programme


with: The Nest, SHIFT Collective, National Museums of Kenya, Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum and the Welkulturen Museum
An artistic, research and curatorial project that investigates a corpus of Kenyan cultural objects held in institutions in the Global North

Die Dauercamperin


with: Jens Mühlhoff
Die Dauercamperin stages a dystopic future to ask how agency and independence of the individual can manifest in a networked world

Skiza Sea


with: Sophia Bauer
Marine melodies created from underwater coral reef recordings and recordings of songs about the ocean by people living on the Kenyan coast

The Bike Gang


with: John Kamicha
A series of collectively-produced video clips which re-enact anecdotes and to narrate stories of bikes and belonging in Nairobi’s Eastlands

GZ Calling


with: David Lalé
A video work that explores the labyrinthine world of Guangzhou’s export markets, the nexus of 21st Century global capitalism

The Ministry of Plastic (touring exhibition)


An installation that stages a future in which there is no more oil and plastic has become a cherished and valuable resource

Kenya Navy Sick Bay


An installation based on a vernacular archive of 300 hand-made, “fake” institutional stamps made by a Mombasa-based stamp carver

Letter to Lagat


with: Simon Rittmeier
A parable about ownership and loss. The book imagines the vanishing of an entire museum collection and asks what would remain behind

Mashup the Archive


with: Nadine Siegert
A series of festivals and exhibitions with Africa-based artists in residence dedicated to activating the archive of the Iwalewahaus

Re-imagining Out of Africa


A project which imagines a future in which Hollywood and Nollywood fuse and cross-fertilise

A Life in the Day


with: Slum TV
A series of video works which try to understand how ethnicity is experienced in everyday life in present-day Kenya

Dead Insects In My Parents Pool


A series of quasi scientific photos (light boxes) of dead insects found in my parents swimming pool

Not in the Title too


with: Sophia Bauer
Inquiry into a Nigerian video archive, part 2. We commissioned Robbie Bresson, a Kenyan film director to produce a Nigerian horror film

Once upon a Time


with: Marcel Odenbach
A video installation which explores belief and identity for four Ugandan Rabbinical students from the Abayudaya community in Mbale

Logos Of Non-profit Organisations Working In Kenya (Some of Which Are Imaginary)


A series of silk screen prints which mixes real and fake Kenyan NGO logos

Not in the Title


An immersive video and spatial installation that inserts fake Nollywood films into the Iwalewahaus Nollywood film collection

Grassroots Upgraded


with: Slum TV
A photography book of LOMO photos, unconventional and unexpected images, documenting life in Mathare, a slum in east Nairobi



with: Franziska Lukas
The first solo exhibition of Peter Mwangi Irungu, a Nairobi-based itinerant photographer working with photomontage techniques

Ochuo’s Funeral


with: Kevo Stero
The retelling and re-enactment of Ochuo’s Funeral, an iconic event in the recent history of Kianda in Kibera (Nairobi)

Sustainability. A concept I genuinely believe in, but a word I do not trust


A streamed performance of representatives of real organisations, and actors representing fictional organisations, discussing sustainability

Afropolis (Nairobi section)


with: Christian Hanussek
An exhibition and research project on five African megacities: Cairo, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Kinshasa and Lagos



A solo exhibition (and artist book) showcasing a collection of contextual artworks in different forms and in differing stages of completion

I Love Nairobi


with: Urban Mirror
Upendo Hero. The hero of love. A public space superhero

It’s a Pity We Only Exist in the Future


with: African Maximalism
An art exhibition and research project about public space in Nairobi

Samson’s Dead Stock: A Matrix of Remembering and Forgetting


with: Samson
An installation made of ‘Dead Stock’ - portraits commissioned by visitors to Nairobi’s Nyayo Monument which they then never picked up

Slum TV


with: Julius Mwelu, Alex Nikolic, Fred Otieno, Lukas Pusch
A grassroots media collective based in Mathare, Nairobi

6 hours for 6 days


From 06.09.06 until 11.09.06 for 6 hours a day I sat on a bench in Kuznicza Street in Wroclaw



Sisal string structures built in the forest which try to evoke shafts of light coming through the trees

The Naked Snail


A slug moustache moves across my face

The Seduction of Completion


I numbered the bricks of an exterior prison wall in Leuven for seven hours a day, over a period of 10 days. I counted 15,776 bricks.